《三字经》 繁体 简体 译文 拼音 英语(6)
46 自羲农 至黄帝 号三皇 居上世
From Fu Hsi and Shen Nung, (??On?? Probably to or onto) the Yellow Emperor, these are called the three rulers, who lived in the early ages.
47 唐有虞 号二帝 相揖逊 称盛世
Tang and Yu-Yu are called the two emperors. They abdicated, one after the other, and their reign was called the Golden Age.
48 夏有禹 商有汤 周文武 称三王
The Hsia dynasty has Yu and the Shang dynasty has T'ang' The Chou dynasty had Wen and Wu; these are called the Three Kings
49 夏传子 家天下 四百载 迁夏社
Under the Hsia dynasty the throne was transmitted from father to son, making a family possession of the empire. After four hundred years, the imperial sacrifice passed from the house of Hsia.
50 汤伐夏 国号商 六百载 至纣亡
T'ang the completer destroyed the Hsia Dynasty, and the Dynastic title became Shang. The line lasted for six hundred years, ending with Chou Hsin.
51 周武王 始诛纣 八百载 最长久
King Wu of the Chou Dynasty finally slew Chou Hsin. His own line! Lasted for eight hundred years; the longest dynasty of all.
52 周辙东 王纲堕 逞干戈 尚游说
When the Chous made tracks eastwards, the feudal bond was slackened; the arbitrate of spear and shields prevailed; and peripatetic politicians were held in high esteem.
53 始春秋 终战国 五霸强 七雄出
This period began with the Spring and Autum Epoch and ended with that of the Warring States. Next, the Five Chieftains domineered, and Seven Martial States came to the front.
54 嬴秦氏 始兼并 传二世 楚汉争
Then the House of Chin, descended from the Ying clan, finally united all the states under one sway. The thrown was transmitted to Erh Shih, upon which followed the struggle between the Ch'u and the Han states.
55 高祖兴 汉业建 至孝平 王莽篡
Then Kao Tsu arose, and the House of Han was established. When we come to the reign of Hsiao P'ing, Wang Mang usurped the throne.
56 光武兴 为东汉 四百年 终於献
Then Kuang Wu arose, and founded the Eastern Han Dynasty. It lasted four hundred years, and ended with the Emperor Hsien.
57 魏蜀吴 争汉鼎 号三国 迄两晋
Wei, Shu and Wu, fought for the sovereignty of the Hans. They were called the Three Kingdoms, and existed until the two Chin Dynasties.
58 宋齐继 梁陈承 为南朝 都金陵
Then followed the Sung and the Ch'i dynasties, and after them the Liang and Ch'en dynasties These are the Southen dynasties, with their capital at Nanking.
59 北元魏 分东西 宇文周 兴高齐
The northern dynasties are the Wei dynasty and the Yuan family which split into Eastern and Western Wei, the Chou dynasty and the Yuwen family, with the Ch'i dynasty of the Kao family.
60 迨至隋 一土宇 不再传 失统绪
At length, under the Sui dynasty, the empire was united under one ruler. The throne was not transmitted twice, succession to power being lost
61 唐高祖 起义师 除隋乱 创国基
The first emperor of the T'ang dynasty raised volunteer troops. He put an end to the disorder of the House of Sui, and established the foundation of his line.
62 二十传 三百载 梁灭之 国乃改
Twenty times the thrown was transmitted, in a period of 300 years. The Liang State destroyed it, and the dynastic title was changed.
63 梁唐晋 及汉周 称五代 皆有由
The Liang, the T'ang, the Chin the Han and the Chou are called the five dynasties, and there was a reason for the establishment of each.
64 炎宋兴 受周禅 十八传 南北混
Then the fire-led house of Sung arose, and received the resignation of the house of Chou. Eighteen times the throne was transmitted, and then the north and the south were reunited.
【辽与金 皆称帝 太祖兴 国大明 号洪武 都金陵 迨成祖 迁燕京 十六世 至崇祯 阉乱後 寇内讧 闯逆变 神器终 清顺治 据神京 至十传 宣统逊 举总统 共和成 复汉土 民国兴 廿二史 全在兹 载治乱 知兴衰】(此段为宋版所无,所以没有相应的翻译。)
65 十七史 全在兹 载治乱 知兴衰
The Seventeen Dynastic Histories are all embraced in the above. They contain examples of good and bad government, whence may be learnt the principles of prosperity and decay.
66 读史书 考实录 通古今 若亲目
Ye who read history must study the Annals, whereby you will understand ancient and modern events, as though having seen them with your own eyes.
67 口而诵 心而惟 朝於斯 夕於斯
Recite them with the mouth, and ponder over them in your hearts. Do this in the morning; do this in the evening.
68 昔仲尼 师项橐 古圣贤 尚勤学
Of old, Confucius, took Hsiang T'o for his teacher.The inspired men and sages of old, studied diligently nevertheless.
69 赵中令 读鲁论 彼既仕 学且勤
Chao, president of the Council, studied the Lu Test of the Analects. He, when already an official, studied and moreover, with diligence.
70 披蒲编 削竹简 彼无书 且知勉
One opened out rushes and plaited them together, another scraped tablets of bamboo. These men had no books, but they knew how to make an effort.
71 头悬梁 锥刺股 彼不教 自勤苦
One tied his head to the beam above him; another pricked his thigh with an awl. They were not taught, but toiled hard of their own accord.
72 如囊萤 如映雪 家虽贫 学不辍
Then we have one who put fireflies in a bag. and again another who used the white glare from snow. Although their families were poor, these men studied unceasingly.
73 如负薪 如挂角 身虽劳 犹苦卓
Again, there was one who carried fuel, and another who used horns and pegs. Although they toiled with their bodies, they were nevertheless remarkable for their application.
74 苏老泉 二十七 始发愤 读书籍
Shu Lao-Chuan, at the age of twenty-seven at last began to show his energy, and devote himself to the study of books.
75 彼既老 犹悔迟 尔小生 宜早思
Then when already past the age, he deeply regretted his delay. You little boys should take thought betimes.
76 若梁灏 八十二 对大廷 魁多士
Then there were Liang Hao, who at the age of eighty-two, made his replies to the great hall, and came out first among many scholars.
77 彼既成 众称异 尔小生 宜立志
When thus late he had succeeded, all men pronounced him a prodigy. You little boys, should make up your minds to work.
78 莹八岁 能咏诗 泌七岁 能赋棋
Jung at eight of age could compose poetry. Pi, at seven years of age, could make an epigram on wei- ch'i.
79 彼颖悟 人称奇 尔幼学 当效之
These youths were quick of apprehe! nsion, and people declared them to be prodigies. You young learners, ought to imitate them.
80 蔡文姬 能辨琴 谢道韫 能咏吟
Ts'ai Wen-chi, was able to judge from the sound of a psaltery. Hsieh Tao-yun, was able to compose verses.
81 彼女子 且聪敏 尔男子 当自警
They were only girls, yet they were quick and clever. You boys ought to rouse yourselves.
82 唐刘晏 方七岁 举神童 作正字
Liu Yen of the Tang dynasty & nbsp; when only seven years of age, was ranked as an 'inspired child' (child prodigy) and was appointed a Corrector of Texts.
83 彼虽幼 身己仕 尔幼学 勉而致
He, although a child, was already in an official post. You young learners strive to bring about a like result.
84 有为者 亦若是
Those who work will also succeed as he did.
85 犬守夜 鸡司晨 苟不学 曷为人
The dog keeps guard by night; the cock proclaims the dawn. If foolishly you do not study, how can you become men?
86 蚕吐丝 蜂酿蜜 人不学 不如物
The silkworm produced silk, the bee makes honey. If man does not learn, he is not equal to the brutes
87 幼而学 壮而行 上致君 下泽民
Learn while young, and when grown up apply what you have learn; influencing the sovereign above, benefiting the people below.
88 扬名声 显父母 光於前 裕於後
Make a name for yourselves, and glorify you father and mother. Shed luster on your ancestors, enrich your posterity.
89 人遗子 金满嬴 我教子 惟一经
Men bequeath to their children, coffers of gold. I teach you children, only this book.
90 勤有功 戏无益 戒之哉 宜勉力
Diligence has its reward; play has no advantages, & nbsp; oh, be on your guard, and put forth your strength.
附注1 这个版本由翟理斯(Herbert Allen Giles 英国作家、外交家)于1910年翻译
附注2 这个版本(英译本)为清末版,字数1068字,应是根据原宋本(1068字)翻译